not suggest overhauls to the ACAD process (maybe some time, but not right now). A primary role for me is getting everybody up to speed with Revit.

Fast-forward to today: as much as I love STB for ACAD, my current firm has a fairly robust CAD standards/system already, including CTB plotting. It took a bit of educating, but suddenly the color didn't matter and we could use more colors so that there was visual differentiation on screen (and let the ACA default colors just be). I was convinced enough I even talked my company at the time to switching. And once you get it how you like it, assuming you get those settings into a project template, with various view templates set up, then you'll never have to do it again, aside from little tweaks as you go along.Many years ago I learned about Style based plotting (STBs) in ACAD rather than color based (CTB). But in Revit I find it quite easy to adjust line weights and get things looking how I want them. I don't understand how people associate line color to line weight. I'm not used to CAD, and it's horribly difficult for me to try to print something from AutoCAD that looks decent. It really just depends on what you're used to. Looks like I need to spend more time investigating Object Styles and View Templates. And my clients are absolutely loving it!! But I'm committed to pushing forward with it. And I know I'm barely just scratching the surface. The work is tricky and confusing (for me).but once you figure something out.the result is amazing!! Revit is a VASTLY deeper program than AutoCad will ever be. But my frustration with Revit, and how much work it is to produce higher quality 2D drawings, is a tricky situation.
#Cutepdf not printing in color software#
Except for the deep learning curve with digging WAY deeper into the software than I have in the past.
#Cutepdf not printing in color full#
I've made the full switch to Revit recently - and it's gone very well (in some ways). And only started 'dabbling' in Revit since about 10 years ago (getting far more serious, within the last 2 or 3). And once you get it how you like it, assuming you get those settings into a project template, with various view templates set up, then you'll never have to do it again, aside from little tweaks as you go along.Exact same issue, in full reverse.haha.